Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy 2nd Birthday From Grandpa Dave

The Day the World Stood Still

It has been said, for those in attendance at your birth two years ago today, that the world stood still. There was a sense of exuberance as the moment drew near. Everyone in the room waited impatiently for you to make your entrance into the world. The room was dim and quiet with doctors and nurses at the ready to welcome you. It was at that moment, that you began the very first fight of your life - for your life. There was a collective gasp as the doctors went to work with the skill and dedication derived from years of training and experience. We waited. We looked at each other with wide eyes and stifled our sobs. We waited. The room was dull, a blur - it felt like I was underwater trying to breathe. We waited. The clock continued to move. We waited.

The sound was like birds on a spring day, like the ocean beneath a beautiful sunset, like warm, tropical breezes through palm trees. It was the sound of your very first breaths, Bailey. The walls of the room moved in and out with the sobbing of those who waited so very long to hear those beautiful sounds. We all knew, at that point in time, that you were destined to be a very special girl, indeed! Your mom worked so very hard to bring you into the world with a strength I've never, ever seen another human possess. Not just physical strength, though she needed plenty of that, but grit and determination borne of a mother's instinct to bring her baby into the world.

It's been two years since that magical day. How do you like your life, so far? One of my earliest memories is of sitting on my mom's lap with my head on her chest and hearing her voice from inside her body. I've always remembered it as a warm, sleepy feeling of calm and that I was protected from anything and everything at that moment. It's amazing how far back a person can remember. Right now, Bailey, you are living those memories that you'll remember when you're my age. I encourage you to make the most of these formative years as it is during this time that the framework for the rest of your life is made. After all, Bailey, you're going to be the one inheriting the Earth from us elders and we want you to be strong, intelligent, compassionate and benevolent.

I wonder what your world will be like 50 years from now, where you'll be and what you'll be doing. So much is possible, so many realities attainable. The good thing is that you have the next 50 years to make the mistakes that will make you a better person, suffer the failures that will make you more confident and recover from the pain of lost loves that will make you a better partner for your own true love. None of it is easy, Bailey, but the rewards of rising to your challenges and overcoming them are the core of what's called the "quality of life" which is something that everyone strives for.

You're at a time of your life where your mind is a sponge. Pathways are being formed and you're learning a lot every single day. Please know that learning is not something that you do only as a child. An intelligent person will strive to learn something, anything daily so continue to explore your world, dig for answers, question everything and expand that little mind of yours. Read, read, read. You are growing up in a miraculous time where the cumulative knowledge of the entire human race is freely available to you in virtually an instant. How fortunate are you? It's a great responsibility, though. You need to be able to discern what is the truth and what is fallacy. People will always try to make you believe what they believe to be true; it's up to you to decide for yourself whether they are right or wrong and that ability to decide only comes from knowledge.

There will be times when you or someone else will make a mistake or say something they didn't mean to say. Maybe it will be your mom or dad or maybe your best friend or maybe even me, though that's doubtful. :-) In any case, believe me when I say that life is too short to not forgive those you care about. There's a saying that you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family. As you grow older, you'll see that friends will weave in and out of your life but your family will always be your family. We will make mistakes and there will be times where you are frustrated and feel like a family member is not being fair to you but always remember that your family loves you and will always be there for you. Always. I encourage you to question their actions but know that, until you are an adult yourself, you have to respect their decisions concerning you and forgive them if they've made a mistake. Also, if you want someone to respect you, then you have to show that you respect them. Listen to what they say, process it and understand it. You may not agree with it but you have to abide by their wishes in order to show them that you respect them.

Enough with Grandpa's wisdom for now! 

Happy Birthday, Bailey!! Enjoy your third full year on this planet of yours. Sniff some flowers, snuggle with your doggy, ride bikes with your Dad, play with your dolls, kiss your Mom, get your feet wet and your hands dirty....just love and enjoy your little life. 

With love, 

Grandpa Dave


  1. And now I sit here letting tears fall as I read this over and over again. She is the luckiest girl in the world to have a grandpa like you! I love you daddy!

  2. She totally is lucky to have you for her very own grandpa! A beautiful message for a special girl!

  3. This is so cool!
    Good job Grandpa Dave
