Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fear and It's Place In Your Life

I sometimes sit and think about what your world will be like when you grow older. Not only the advancement of technology but also whether or not there is any advancement in the human race. What I mean by that is whether or not us humans have learned anything new and have found a way to get along better. Since the beginning of time, humans have been a species always trying to better themselves. Some better themselves and those around them through intelligence and their ability to understand their world. Others, less intelligent, use fear, intimidation and brute strength to "better" themselves - always at the expense of others.

This is where Fear comes in. Fear is an ingrained human trait that we are all born with and learn from others. Fear is very important as, subconsciously, we can respond to danger almost instantaneously because we've been pre-programmed with fear of that particular danger. Take, for example, alligators. Once you become knowledgeable of the world around you, you know that alligators are dangerous and can kill you. If you put your arm in an alligators mouth, you will, most likely, be seriously harmed. That is "good" fear. It's good because it keeps us from being harmed.

Another example of Fear is the fear some people have of flying. Yes, there is no doubt that, should the plane drop out of the air, you will most likely die - however - we know that, statistically speaking, it is one of the safest ways to travel so millions fly every year with no fear whatsoever. In this case, knowledge of the safety of airline travel trumps fear.

Yet another example is skydiving. By the way, this is one of my fears, yet one that your mother overcame because she's a badass!! This is a fear that is overcome through proper training and equipment that can significantly minimize your exposure to harm. Without training and proper equipment, if you jumped out of a plane, you would die.

So now we know that fear is a good thing as it helps keep us from harm. We also know that fear can be overcome through knowledge, proper training and proper equipment. So why is it, you may ask, that so many people are paralyzed by fear? One of the reasons is that fear is highly contagious. If someone says that they are frightened of blue people, you may be frightened also - even though you've never met a blue person. The reason is that we want to trust what others are saying and, after all, blue people are different! Most people truly want to believe because, why would someone tell a lie? Well, my dear Bailey, sometimes, those people have no idea they are even telling a lie.

Fear mentality. For a lot of people, it runs their lives. Everything they do is because of that fear. It is up to you to use your mind to make a decision whether or not a particular fear is one that you need to be concerned with. Bullys will try to intimidate you with fear. Teachers will try to motivate you with fear. Bosses will try to dominate you with fear. Politicians and preachers will try to sway your beliefs with fear. The news media will try to get you to watch their channel by broadcasting fear.

There is a lot of fear right now in the world, Bailey. People are afraid of others because of the color of their skin or the God they worship. They are afraid of guns, climate change, cancer, terrorists, religions and it is dominating their lives. There are some things we can change and some we can't. Fear is something that is addressed on a personal level and it is up to each of us to determine whether or not our fears are founded. That determination comes through knowledge. When you get older, Bailey, you'll have the knowledge that, if you're face-to-face with a bear in the woods, that fear you feel is real because you know that a bear can seriously harm you because they are aggressive, strong and have big-ass teeth. On the other hand, someone may tell you that you need to be afraid of blue people. You think to yourself, "have I ever met a blue person?" "What do I know about blue people?" "How are they different and why should I be afraid?" This is when you begin to learn. Gather knowledge about blue people. You're very fortunate that you have the entire written knowledge of the human race available to you at the click of a mouse. You may find, after your research, that there are billions of blue people in the world who are peaceful people and that there are some who probably live very close to you, maybe even in your own neighborhood. You also learn that, on the other side of the world, there is a very small group of blue people who are bad and have done some really despicable things. With this knowledge, you can make an informed decision about blue people. Should you fear all blue people based on the actions of a small, remote group of them. No, of course not.

Throughout your life, you will be presented with scenarios like this. You have to use knowledge as a tool to overcome fear and move forward in your life because every time you address a particular fear, you become a better person. Remember, some fears are valid. If you live in earthquake country, your fear of earthquakes will compel you to properly prepare for them. Once you're prepared, you move on and put that fear into the back of your mind. If your teacher makes you afraid of failing her class, you work harder. If a bully constantly harasses you, you learn to defend yourself by speaking up or, as a last resort, physically taking action. Knowledge, training and proper preparation, will allow you to face your fears and live your life to the fullest everyday.

So now, what do you do? Well, Bailey, you're only two years old so, right now, I just want you to continue to explore your world. Learn the language and use it properly. Learn to love everything around you. Learn to be kind to others but stand tall if they're not being kind to you. Learn about respect and it's place in our relationships with others. Learn to forgive those who have slighted you but never forget that slight. Most importantly, Bailey Blue, enjoy your childhood to it's fullest because you're going to blink and be on the precipice of adulthood with all of it's fears and unknowns.

I love you, 

Grandpa Dave


  1. Hi Bailey - I'm a friend of your Grandpa. Fear is an amalgam of things we don't understand and often manifests itself in the form of worries. We big children often worry because we fear experiencing a variety of discomforts. And, I agree with your Grandpa that fear, as such, may be overcome with knowledge, experience and training (not to mention a high quality parachute). I'm sure your Grandpa would tell you not to merely adjust to fear, but also to step up to it; because facing fear, worries and concerns is a sign of bravery and will often lead you down a path of honor and glory. For it is truly when you step in front of fear and overcome it that you can help others face theirs or, perhaps more importantly, stand in front of it for them. So, little bean, be like your Grandpa says and you will understand what Confucius meant when he said,"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

    Peace, Child.

  2. Bailey, Mr. Golkin is a wise man and speaks the truth.
